Deformation Meters (VW)

The Model 4430 Deformation Meter with flanged ends is designed to measure longitudinal deformation in dams and embankments. It can also be grouted or held in place by hydraulic anchors to measure deformations in boreholes (over the gage length). Gage lengths from 0.5 to 100 meters are available.


Standard Ranges¹ 25, 50, 100, 150, 300 mm
Resolution 0.025% F.S.
Accuracy² ±1.0% F.S.
Nonlinearity <0.5% F.S.
Temperature Range¹ −20°C to +80°C
Length × Diameter 1 m (standard); varies × 27 mm (pipe), 51 mm (flange)

¹Other ranges available on request.

²Accuracy established under laboratory conditions.