“Fat Back” Pressure (Semiconductor, VW)
The Model 4810 “Fat Back” Pressure Cell is intended to measure contact earth pressures on the surface of concrete or…
Earth Pressure (Semiconductor, VW)
The Model 4800 Earth Pressure Cells are designed to measure total pressure in earth fills and embankments. All cells consist of…
Weir Monitor (VW)
The Model 4675LV is a water level monitoring system that uses a vibrating wire force transducer to provide a highly…
Downhole Water Level Dataloggers (Semico
The 4573 Series are battery powered downhole water level and temperature data loggers well suited for recording water levels and…
Water Level Meter
The Solinst Model 101 Water Level Meter is available in several versions and is considered the industry standard for portable,…
Casagrande Piezometer Tip
The Casagrande Piezometer Tip is used with the Solinst Model 101 Water Level Meter to monitor subsurface water levels. The…
Multilevel Piezometer (VW)
The Model 4500MLP system overcomes the problems associated with the installation of multiple piezometers in a single drill hole. The…
High Temperature Piezometer (VW)
The Model 4500HT High-Temperature Piezometer is designed for applications where the temperature may be as high as 230°C. Two versions…
Heavy Duty Piezometer (VW)
The Model 4500HD Heavy Duty Piezometer is designed for direct burial in fills and dam embankments. The 4500HD is used…
Braking Pedal Force Transducer