CLP-NB Compression Load Cell
The CLP-NB Load Cell has a column type strain sensing element. With a full line of products with capacities ranging…
CLG-NB Compression Load Cell
The CLG-NB Load Cell is a high precision load cell in a thin, hermetically sealed package. It is widely used…
CLA-NA Compression Load Cell
The CLA-NA Load Cell has a diaphragm type strain sensing element. It is compact, easy to operate and can be…
CLB-NA Compression Load Cell
The CLB-NA Load Cell is a low-capacity, compression type load cell. An internal structure with fixed frame for strain generation…
CLS-NA/CLS-NB Compression Load Cell
The CLS-NA and CLS-NB Load Cells are ultracompact load cells with capacities ranging from 10N to 10kN. They are widely…